The latest version is found on MS KB #907306.
#Microsoft webdav redirector update
Please note that it is also a good idea to update the web folders software package first. The recommended way to create a dav connection making sure the other connector (aka 'web folders') is used, is to add the port number at the end of the server address, starting from 'my neighborhood' | add network resource. You have to edit a reg key to allow it, see KB #841215. Support is very good, like the encryption option, lots of space and simple interface. Today Ive been unable to connect from multiple clients even generated a new access key, but no go. For me it is hit or miss as to whether it connects. Also by default it does not support basic http auth, which is the method used by eZ Publish. I have WebDAV problems with IceDrive pretty consistently. There are two dav connectors in xp, and the default one (called mini-redirector) is so buggy it is basically useless. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning is an extension to HTTP allowing users to remotely manage and edit files on The main feature is that you can create, change and move documents on a remote server which is generally a web.

If the user then change his domain password, the access to the WebDAV share no longer works, because the credentials used are the old ones stored into the cache. The documented method to use internet explorer is in fact wrong for windows XP (at least with SP2 and IE7). The WebDAV credentials are stored into the Windowss credentials cache (you can see/modify then with rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr).